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Candid Resolutions has a mission: 

We want everyone to become an active participant in their life.  We all hold back. Whether it’s the suppression of our feelings or avoidance of interaction, most of us don’t know the methods of leading a balanced existence. Candid Resolutions teaches students the methodology of conflict resolution; active listening, interacting without assumptions, stronger communication, patience, and empathy. We teach students that walking away from situations doesn’t change anything. It is the active participation in life that will drive you to be the best you can be…and we know everyone possesses the capability to thrive. Whether it is the workplace, the home, or amongst friends, being heard and being able to listen are keys that unlock the door to true balance.

Conflict is a part of life.

But, what exactly is CONFLICT? Is conflict always a “bad” thing? Most people do not like conflict, and find that attempting to resolve problems can be frustrating and tiresome. But, with patience, increased communication, and good negotiation skills, conflicts can become ways of getting what it is you want out of relationships, work, and life!

There are many types of conflicts and ways to communicate. In this course, students will focus on learning more about their interpersonal, intergroup, and intercultural conflicts with others. Topics that are to be discussed: theories of conflict, types and sources of conflict, strategies and tactics of conflict resolution, mediation, active listening, empathy, communication, negotiation, emotional intelligence, and problem-solving techniques. Students will learn skills so they will be able to more constructively resolve their interpersonal conflicts to achieve win-win outcomes.

Students will develop a higher sense of self-awareness, and a greater sense of identity. They will become more aware of their “hot buttons” and the types of behaviors and situations that may cause them to become entangled in conflict situations. In addition to learning more about their own habits, they will also learn how to apply these concepts and skills, to better understand their peers in personal and professional contexts.

This course is primarily experiential and interactive, so students learn by doing. All students will participate in role-plays, simulations, discussions, presentations, film analyses and other activities designed to enhance learning of the identified concepts and skills.

Meet our founder.

Shoshana Ohlbaum is a CEO, professor, and conflict resolution expert, specializing in interpersonal conflict that obstructs the development (or progress) of our personal and professional lives.  Shoshana is the founder of Candid Resolutions, an innovative and dynamic approach to helping individuals and companies identify conflicts.  Drawing on her vast experience teaching conflict resolution and speech communications as a professor at Baruch College in New York City, as well as original research on mediation, Shoshana developed a totally unique approach to resolving the conflicts which often hold us back from achieving both our day-to-day goals and long-term dreams.   She now teaches these techniques to individuals and companies who want to learn how to bring their internal human capital to the next level.  A team which resolves issues efficiently and respectfully can tackle outside obstacles with vigor and maximize positive results.  In other words, healthy internal communications lead to bottom line results for your career and your company.

 shosh_squareshotShoshana received a Master of Science from Columbia University’s Negotiation and Conflict Resolution program and earned her B.A. in criminal justice from the George Washington University in Washington, D.C.  She has been in her current role as professor at Baruch College in NYC for over five years.

Shoshana will open your eyes to a completely different approach to conflict, why not all conflict is bad, and how you can turn it into something positive.  Once your understanding of conflict has been transformed, she will ignite your inner drive with examples of personal success through challenging one’s boundaries and looking within when overcoming obstacles in our personal and professional lives.  She will highlight the pervasiveness of interpersonal conflict and miscommunication in our lives and provide mechanisms to recognize, and, ultimately, resolve these issues.  Shoshana will guide you toward finding your voice and unraveling the root of your conflict so that you are in full control of your destiny.